‘Face2Face’ visita Maristas Córdoba
La compañia de teatro en inglés ‘FaceToFace’ pasará estos días con nosotros.
As a bilingual centre, it has been a pleasure to have The Theatre Company Face2face performing several plays in English this week (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday).
These have been Shakespeare in Chicago (a first session for 4th year of Secondary Education, 1st and 2nd Baccalaureate, Robin Hood (2 sessions for 3rd/4th years and 5th/6th years of Primary Education), Around the World in 80 minutes (1st, 2nd and 3rd Secondary, in 2 sessions) and A Fishy Tale (Pre-school kids and 1st/2nd Primary);
Our students have been able to enjoy their second language in a playful and participatory way. It’s been a great experience so we hope we can enjoy it next year.
Find some photos that show some of the pleasant, or even hilarious moments of the plays performed.
Como centro bilingüe, ha sido un placer disfrutar de nuevo de martes 19 a jueves 21 de las diferentes obras de teatro que la compañía Face2face ha representado en nuestro Salón de Actos.
Los títulos este año han sido Shakespeare in Chicago (4º ESO y Bachilleratos), Robin Hood (de 3º a 6º de primaria, en diferentes sesiones), Around the World in 80 minutes (1º, 2º y 3º de ESO, en 2 sesiones) and A Fishy Tale (Infantil y primer ciclo de Primaria, en 3 sesiones).
A través del teatro nuestros chicos han podido disfrutar de manera lúdica, amena y participativa del segundo idioma. Una gran experiencia que esperamos volver a repetir el curso que viene.
Aquí os dejamos unas fotografías para que veáis lo bien que lo hemos pasado.